Hand-lettered with style, Rothena Script is a must have for all your design needs. Perfect for greeting cards, branding, stationery design, social media, packaging, magazine layouts, prints and more!
Utilize all caps for a completely alternate style, or mix and match lowercase script + all caps for creative designs.
Rothena Script has a variety of unique, coded features to create compelling, handmade outcomes: 4 stylistic alternates, 5 initial characters, 4 end characters, 1 discretionary ligature and 25 standard ligatures.
Multilingual support is included for Western European languages. PUA Encoded. OTF is included for the full, Rothena Script font. Happy Designing!
This is the personal license font that can be used for all personal needs. If you want to use this font on items you are going to sell or on anything promoting your business, please purchase the extended license version.