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Download Dream Script Pro Fonts Family From Lian Types

Download Dream Script Pro Fonts Family From Lian Types
Download Dream Script Pro Fonts Family From Lian Types Download Dream Script Pro Fonts Family From Lian TypesDownload Dream Script Pro Fonts Family From Lian Types

One of my dreams as a type-designer was making a good looking chancery cursive. Full of life, like some of the best calligraphers around the world do on their artworks.
With Julian Waters, John Stevens and Denis Brown (just to name a few of them) (1) chancery, or italic script, was transformed into a new, exciting and very fresh style of calligraphy mainly at the end of 20th Century.
Dream Script may be that dream named above made true. I have been practicing chancery in the way I learnt from those calligraphers for many years now.
Making a font out of my ink-sketches was a tough work, since they were closer of -being art- than of -being type-. However, this font rescues many aspects of handmade calligraphy: You have to look at it really close to notice it is actually a font, and that was one of my goals.
The secret of a good looking chancery is on its subtle details: pen angle is constantly changing, even on the strokes which seem straight. Capitals and swashes have to be done a little faster than lowercase letters. The rhythm has to be even, in spite of its playful look.
The fact that makes Dream look alive is that it has many alternates per glyph. This makes each word look unique like it happens in calligraphy: you will find alternates for the beginning/ending of a word/phrase, some for the middle of it, some interchangeable.
Also, to accompany the script, you will find Dream Caps, which was inspired in the eternally beautiful trajan capitals. Place them like I did on the posters and you will have great results for sure.

The font works great in small, middle and big sizes and can be a great election for magazines, wedding invitations, perfumes, and posters.

Close your eyes, and Dream with me...

Dream Script Pro is the most complete style, it contains all the alternates and ligatures (OT programmed, better if you use Adobe applications)
If you plan to use the font for text, be sure to activate the less decorative capitals, which are placed in the "salt" group of alternates.
Dream Script Standard has less glyphs than the Pro one, it contains just some ligatures for a better legibility. (OT programmed, better if you use Adobe applications)

(1) Not only are they great artists, but also good people, who are always willing to share with their students all what they know. I would also like to thank Ricardo Rousselot, whose work inspired me this time to make "The Dream Script" exlibris; and to Alisara Tareekes, a very talented friend which international calligraphy conferences gave me: She kindly helped me with some tips to make this font better.

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